Lada dzień Walentynki <3. Dlatego też postanowiłam wprowadzić trochę "tego" nastroju :)
Serduszka z masy perłowej ;) proste i leciutkie.
Uznałam, że same w sobie mają urok i nie trzeba im nic więcej dodawać - zasada: "co za dużo to nie zdrowo" :)
Dla bardziej wybrednych Swarovski - "Svaroszczaki" (jakoś tak mi się przyjęło).
Na (według mnie) najwygodniejszych biglach angielskich.
A skoro mowa o wprowadzaniu nastrojowego "Love" z dedykacją dla Tomaaasza ;*
"The Cranberries - When Yo're Gone" <3
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by assiczka |
Hold on to love that is what
I do now that I've found you.
And from above everything's stinking,
they're not around you.
And in the night, I could be helpless,
I could be lonely, sleeping without you.
And in the day, everything's complex,
There's nothing simple, when I'm not around you.
But I'll miss you when you're gone,
That is what I do. Hey, baby!
And it's going to carry on,
That is what I do. Hey, baby!
Hold on to my hands, I feel I'm sinking,
Sinking without you.
And to my mind, everything's stinking,
Stinking without you.
And in the night, I could be helpless,
I could be lonely, sleeping without you.
And in the day, everything's complex,
There's nothing simple, when I'm not around you.
But I'll miss you when you're gone,
That is what I do. Hey, baby!
And it's going to carry on,
That is what I do. Hey, baby!
Te kolczyki są cuuudne :) :) Takie słodkie, urocze i wdzięczne :D